Clarity Hypnosis offers a variety of services to meet your needs. My goal is to allow you to discover and use effective strategies in getting the outcomes you want in your life. The basic tenet of our practice is that you are not broken. There is nothing to fix. You are merely using strategies that do not work. Through hypnosis and coaching, I allow you to design strategies for more effective living. This approach represents another avenue through which you can heal, enhance, and enrich your life. Clients come to us for a variety of reasons and when you are willing to do the work, you can make a difference in your life.
The Three Main Categories in which I assist clients through hypnosis are Mental Blocks, Habit Control, and Symptom Control. On the other side of these challenges are the benefits you may wish to enjoy.
Here Are a Few of the Benefits of Hypnosis:
Confidence Building
How many times have you said, "If I had more confidence in myself, I would.?" Perhaps you have not said those exact words, and may already be aware of times in your life when you wished you felt more confident. Confidence is one of many "states" that can be accessed by your unconscious mind. Through a combination of hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming, you can learn to create this state any time you want. What would it be like to have this resource available to you now?
Performance Enhancement
If you are an athlete or want to improve your performance in an activity, hypnosis can provide the mental clarity and strategies to make this happen. Professional athletes have used a strategy called "mental rehearsal." Interestingly enough, the brain does not distinguish between "mental rehearsal" and physical activity. Of course, the body does need physical practice. The combination of both mental rehearsal and has proven to accelerate performance for both professional and amateur athletes. Using the combination of hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming may allow you to achieve results you have not yet been able to attain.
Health Enhancement
Your mind has a great deal to do with your body and your health. Dr. Bernie Siegel has studied his patients over the years and has seen the influence the mind can have on the process of healing and living life fully. Visualization is a process that can assist you in the health enhancement process. I use visualization in combination with hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming to assist you in getting the health outcomes you want.
Hypnosis and Coaching
Perhaps you are someone who believes you have not yet achieved your potential. People have limiting beliefs that get in their way. Beliefs are interesting in that they operate outside your awareness. You just assume them true. "That's just the way I am." What would it be like to free yourself from these limitations? The combination of hypnosis and coaching has allowed many to move beyond these self-imposed barriers to achieve results they have assumed were not possible.
Mental Blocks
Ready to take yourself to the next level, yet something seems to always get in your way? Here are just a few areas you could see a significant breakthrough:
Academic Performance
Interview Nerves
Public Speaking
Why wait?
How Does Hypnosis Coaching Help?
Hypnosis and Coaching
Perhaps you are someone who believes you have not yet achieved your potential. People have limiting beliefs that get in their way. Beliefs are interesting in that they operate outside your awareness. You just assume them true. "That's just the way I am." What would it be like to free yourself from these limitations? The combination of hypnosis and coaching has allowed many to move beyond these self-imposed barriers to achieve results they have assumed were not possible.
Fears and Phobias
You may suffer from fears that immobilize you from doing what you want to do. You may have a fear of heights, test taking, public speaking, flying, going to the dentist, or any other fear that reduces your effectiveness on the job or with your family. Some of you may suffer from a fear where you recall the experience that produced the fear and relive it repeatedly re-experiencing the pain. In essence, you step back into the experience as if you were there. The combination of hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming can be effective in allowing you to be free of these fears.
Performance Enhancement
If you are an athlete or want to improve your performance in an activity, hypnosis can provide the mental clarity and strategies to make this happen. Professional athletes have used a strategy called "mental rehearsal." Interestingly enough, the brain does not distinguish between "mental rehearsal" and physical activity. Of course, the body does need physical practice. The combination of both mental rehearsal and has proven to accelerate performance for both professional and amateur athletes. Using the combination of hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming may allow you to achieve results you have not yet been able to attain.
Confidence Building
How many times have you said, "If I had more confidence in myself, I would.?" Perhaps you have not said those exact words, and may already be aware of times in your life when you wished you felt more confident. Confidence is one of many "states" that can be accessed by your unconscious mind. Through a combination of hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming, you can learn to create this state any time you want. What would it be like to have this resource available to you now?
Habit Control
If you are seeking release from persistent habits such as
Nail Biting
Teeth Grinding
Weight Loss
Clarity Hypnosis can help.
How to Control Stress?
Health Enhancement
Your mind has a great deal to do with your body and your health. Dr. Bernie Siegel has studied his patients over the years and has seen the influence the mind can have over the process of healing and living life fully. Visualization is a process that can assist you in the health enhancement process. I use visualization in combination with hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming to assist you in getting the health outcomes you want.
Smoking Cessation
Smoking is a habit that impairs health, shortens life span, and creates long-term impaired physical activity. The average smoker spends from $1000 to $3000 a year depending on the amount of cigarettes smoked each day. Many have tried various methods to stop smoking and have gone back to the habit. If you are one of those, and you genuinely want to give up the habit, then hypnosis can be the tool to make a difference for you. The process is unique to each person and can take from one to three sessions, depending on you. Of the many methods used for smoking cessation, many have found hypnosis to be the method that has finally made the difference for them.
Weight Management
The United States is experiencing a health crisis due to poor eating habits, obesity, and lack of exercise. These three factors contribute to the quality of life and to longevity. Using hypnosis to manage your weight is not a magic pill. It does use your unconscious mind to aid the process and can be quite effective provided you are willing to exercise, increase your water intake, eat smaller meals that are more frequent, and change your lifestyle. Many times, eating is a self-soothing behavior. You can deal with this during the hypnosis sessions. It is important that you find other behaviors that are even more effective than eating to relax, deal with loneliness, or other issues that eating can cause. Using hypnosis for weight management requires your commitment to a healthy lifestyle change.
Nail Biting
Nail-biting is a nervous habit that typically is a response to stress or nervousness. Many people may have this habit for years. Combinations of Neurolinguistic Programming and Hypnosis have proved to be successful for a majority of people who have wanted to leave this habit behind. This protocol allows you to use new strategies automatically that are more effective than nail-biting to deal with stress or nervousness.
Symptom Control
The Mind/Body connection is a powerful one. Many clients have seen remarkable relief from physical symptoms through hypnosis. Some of these symptoms include:
Pain Management
Sleep Disorders
Relief is just a phone call away.
How to Manage Your Pain Correctly
Health Enhancement
Your mind has a great deal to do with your body and your health. Dr. Bernie Siegel has studied his patients over the years and has seen the influence the mind can have on the process of healing and living life fully. Visualization is a process that can assist you in the health enhancement process. I use visualization in combination with hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming to assist you in getting the health outcomes you want.
Since the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, there is no fibromyalgia cure. While some have received limited relief from medication, many more are constantly seeking relief from their discomfort and pain. Gary uses a protocol developed by Melissa J. Roth; Ph.D. Dr Roth suffered from fibromyalgia and sought relief through medication to no relief. Her illness incapacitated her. To deal with her own suffering, she developed a hypnosis protocol to deal with her disability. This program was so effective that she has been symptom-free since 1996.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Dr. Roth also suffered from irritable bowel syndrome. She tried in vain to find relief for her symptoms to no avail. Finally, after seeking help from a variety of medical practitioners, she turned her attention to her own internal resources. It was an intense project for her to deal with her own symptoms. After months and months of trial and error, she developed a protocol that allows her to be symptom-free. So effective was her approach that she began to work with others who suffered from this diagnosis and achieved positive results. At the urging of colleagues, she developed a certification in her methodology and has trained hypnotists all over the world. Dr. Roth trained and certified Gary Yeatts of Clarity Technologies.
An allergy is a mistake made by the immune system. The immune system is composed of cells and proteins that cooperate. The cells, called lymphocytes, are of two types: B and T. The B cells are "marker" cells that produce antibodies to attach to the harmful substance that has entered the body. During periods of transition or stress, these cells can get confused and "mark" an inert substance. Whenever a substance has been "marked" the T cells activate to attack the harmful substance. When they arrive, there is nothing to kill and the T cells release their chemicals into the system, causing an allergic reaction. Just as the immune system learned to mark and harmless substance, with Neurolinguistic Programming and hypnosis, the immune system can re-learn that the substance is not harmful and does not activate the T cells when the harmless substance enters the body.
Hypnosis can be effective in dealing with migraine headaches after a physical examination by a medical doctor. Sometimes the pain of a migraine is an indicator of a more serious disorder, and a physician must eliminate that possibility before using hypnosis to reduce the source of pain. Migraine headaches often incapacitate you at the most inconvenient time. Stress, worry, and tension are often the source of migraine headaches and are the body's way of responding. Hypnosis allows you to discover new strategies to reduce or prevent the onset of a migraine. These strategies involve your being able to calm your mind through visualizations and the development of relaxation skills.
Pain Management
Pain is a useful signal to your body, informing you when healing is necessary. Hypnosis can be effective in dealing with pain after a physical examination by a medical doctor. Sometimes the pain is an indicator of a more serious disorder, and a physician must eliminate that possibility before using hypnosis to reduce the pain. Unfortunately, some conditions have chronic pain. Pain-killing drugs that have side effects and can be addictive often treat this pain. Hypnosis for many people has been effective in reducing pain without the harmful side effects.
Stress and Anxiety Management
You have a very busy, fast-paced life. That is the nature of our times. Sometimes many people have challenges in dealing with the everyday events of life and the pressures seem to build. Unaddressed stress and anxiety can produce serious effects on your health and ability to cope. Hypnosis is your tool to assist you in letting go and developing strategies to deal more effectively with life's events. Gary teaches you to use self-hypnosis to relax in conjunction assisting you to develop different coping skills.
Sleep Disorders
You may experience trouble falling asleep, you may wake up throughout the night, or you may have nightmares. These challenges respond well to hypnosis.